Lactate test - Find out your individual heart rate zones

Would you like to train smarter? With lactate test you can find out your individual heart rate zones for training. By knowing the exact zones you can optimize your training and develop even better. Runner’s High provides testing services at our office in Helsinki.

NOTE! The tests will be held at Jätkäsaari (Kap Hornin Katu 7) until Friday 21.2.2025, and starting from Saturday 1.3.2025, they will take place in Kallio (Kolmas Linja 21).

Come and find out your personal heart rate zones. Book yourself a test from here.

The price of the test is 169 €.

For more information please contact us:

Phone: +358 44 205 0310


Next available tests

The next available tests can be found from registration form.

You can book yourself a test for almost every single weekday between 8:00-19:00.

If none of these available dates fit your schedule please contact us.

Book yourself a test from this form.

About the test

You will find more detailed information about the test from below.
  • Lactate test will be done on a treadmill.
  • The test consists of 5-8 4min repeats. In total the test takes approximately 40-60 minutes including cooldown.
  • We will provide all the necessary equipment for the test (such as heart rate monitor etc.).

From the test report you will find out:

  • Your individual thresholds (both aerobic and anaerobic)
  • Guidelines for heart rate based training
  • Estimation of your ability to perform over certain distances (10km, Half marathon, Cooper test)
  • Comparison between your previous test (assuming the previous test was done at our office too)
  • The test is for you if you run regularly. It makes no difference  if you are a beginner or competitive runner. 
  • The pacing of the test will be based on each runner’s individual fitness level.
  • If you have not previously done the test then you should book yourself one now. If you haven’t been training for a while you should probably get couple of weeks of training in first.
  • It is recommended to redo the test every 4-12 months or before starting a new training season.
  • By comparing your newest test results to your previous tests you can monitor your progress over longer period of time. 
  • NOTE! The tests will be held at Jätkäsaari (Kap Hornin Katu 7) until Friday 21.2.2025, and starting from Saturday 1.3.2025, they will take place in Kallio (Kolmas Linja 21). This test will be done on a treadmill. 
  • Feel free to use the shower after the test.

Some comments from our customers

We asked our customers to share their thoughts about the test on Facebook:

I used to train way too hard, like so many others. I had the mentality that "it is not proper training unless you really suffer". After taking the test I realized that it is not necessary to suffer every day. In fact, you should be training in a lower heart rate level most days to get the best training benefit.
I really feel like my fitness has improved a lot ever since I started using right heart rate zones in my training! My heart rates were always too high and I used to run way too fast.
I had my first lactate test one month ago. I would definitely recommend it! It is way easier to train now that I know my heart rate zones for ideal training.