Runner's High training groups

Runner’s High organizes group training sessions all year round. There are three different groups based on the level of runners. All groups train simultaneously so you can switch between groups each week if needed. Our coaches can help you to pick the right group for each session.

You can join the group whenever you want either by choosing fixed-term subscription (3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months or standing order) or by purchasing a 10 time training card. You can use the card whenever you like. We recommend you to get yourself also a personal training programme.

You can find the detailed pricing for fixed-term subscriptions, standing orders and training cards from our list of prices

For additional information please contact us:

Phone: +358 44 205 0310


Training groups

Three different groups

Choose the right group for you based on your level. You can also switch between groups if needed. Our coaches are happy to help you to choose the right group for you.

Training all year round

Our groups train all year round. You can join the group sessions whenever you wan’t and train with us as long as you wish to.

Monthly subscription or training card - Join us!

You can join the group sessions for a fixed period of time or hop in every once in a while whenever sessions fit your schedule by using training card.

Our groups


Elite is suitable for runners who train goal-oriented for races from 400m to marathon.

In this group we have semi-competitive runners. The runners of this group fit performance-wise roughly between these times:
10 km: 33-43
Half marathon: 1:14-1:37
Cooper test: 3100-3800m


Runner's High Challenge is suitable for runners who try to improve their times from 400m to marathon.

The runners of Challenge group fit performance-wise somewhere between these times:
10 km: 42-48
Half marathon: 1:36-1:50
Cooper test: 2650-3100m


Runner's High's Juoksuklubi is just a bit more laid-back yet motivated group of runners.

The runners of Juoksuklubi fit performance-wise somewhere between these times:
10 km: 48-65
Half marathon: 1:50-2:15
Cooper test: 2100-2650m

When and where?

Our groups train in Helsinki. Usually the groups meet at Eläintarha track (location may vary depending on session and season) on Wednesdays at 18:30.

Check the schedule and locations  for sessions here.

About the training programme

The system for the Wednesday group training sessions is following: 3 running workouts per month + 1 technique/mobility/core session per month. During the winter months (till the end of March) we will be doing running sessions only. 

Each week’s running session will be posted on Facebook (private groups for Elite, Challenge and Juoksuklubi) on Monday or Tuesday. This way you can do the workout also on your own if necessary.

To get the most out of your training we recommend you to get yourself also a personal training programme.

How long are the sessions?

Each session is 75-85 minutes long. You should do a short 10-15 minutes warm up jog before the session starts. After the session everyone does their cool down independently.

Registration for our events

Members of Elite, Challenge and Juoksuklubi will get 50% discount for our following events:

Helsinki Night Trail, Nuuksio Night Trail. Helsinki Halloween Run, Helsinki Central Park Run, Helsinki Twilight Run & Walk, Kaisaniemen Juoksu, Helsinki Trail Run, Helsinki10, Helsinki Half Marathon, Helsinki Marathon

To get the discount you must have either ongoing fixed-term subscription or standing order both at the time of registration and at the time of the event. The 10 time training card does not give you this discount for our events.


You can join the group whenever you want either by choosing fixed-term subscription (3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months or standing order) or by purchasing a 10 time training card. You can use the card whenever you like.

You can see the detailed prices from the list of prices.


Join the group by clicking this.

You can get your 10 time training card directly from our webshop.

More information

Contact us:

Phone: +358 44 205 0310


Eliittiryhmän, Challengen ja Juoksuklubin alustava aikataulu ja seuraavat yhteistreenit
